1. ELF (2003) - a funny film starring the great Will Ferrell as an Elf from the north pole looking for his father in NYC. Very family friendly.
2. Nat King Cole's Rendition of "The Christmas Song" - This song is Christmas. Feel the love.
3. The Yule Log - Missing a fireplace to create the Christmasy ambiance? Fear not the yule log will be on T.V. christmas eve and christmas morning for your own mindless pleasure. Here's a clip now if you're feeling a little faux chilly:
4. The Killers + "Don't Shoot Me Santa" - a song about a sinister santa attempting to well umm shoot this kid. Quite funny and great ear candy. I even listen to it in the off-holiday season. ; )
5. Starbuck's Peppermint Mocha Twist - despite the fact that mint is one of my favorite flavors (mint chocolate especially) it just makes the holidays ssssoooo much better. Why you ask? I have no clue. Maybe how it mirrors the cold weather outside? Who knows. So here's to candy canes, girl scout thin mints, peppermint barks, mint chocolate chip ice cream (preferably green), andes... oh i could go on and on! But there's nothing quite like a holiday season only offer like a peppermint mocha twist! Since the beginning of the limited offer I have had 5 orders of the good stuff. Yeah yeah starbucks is overpriced blah blah...it's christmas give a little - it's for yourself anyway!