Thursday, October 9, 2008

Big Deal You're Gorgeous.

While feeding my procrastination with some interweb browsing I came across an article in the NYTimes which went into detail about a new computer program that uses "mathematical formulas" (created at the Tel Aviv University) to transform an individual's facial features to make her/his face more aesthetically pleasing. Basically it "un-uglies" you. It's pretty cool when you think about it, but also a huge blow to the ego when your "beautified" face looks nothing like you. Although some people are in need of a reality check. Just kidding. The featured photo on the front page is that of a normal young woman on the right and her transformed picture on the left. The changes done to her picture are quite drastic. Her eyes are considerably smaller, as well as her nose....well basically every facial feature has been downsized. And I won't lie, the picture on the right is rather beautiful. But what exactly defines the beauty which they are seeking? Proportion? Smaller features? The scientists who created this program argue that their goal is not to think one face is more beautiful than the other. Then what the hell is the point? Again it is a fun and interesting idea, but the possible funds, time and effort into creating it could have gone to more important research. It's good to tinker around, but honestly what was the point? The only real result would be the shrug reaction in which people would just agree in the aesthetic beauty that the transformed picture has and nothing else. Way to push for individualistic acceptance huh? Although, I was amused while browsing through some of the photographs and how James Franco's transformed picture was "indistinguishable, suggesting his classically handsome face is already pretty perfect". Which is kind of true. lol. 

NYTimes: Skin Deep - The Sum of Your Facial Parts


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