Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm getting way too cheesy for my own good. Argh?

With all this talk of "love" it doesn't help to stunt the thought, or rather questioning, of the existance of "the one". Is there even really a "one" for any individual or was it per chance that some happen to find that someone who fits the humdrum of their lot and that he/she is willing to walk that gray line with them (very pessimistc of me, I know)? Is the theory of a soulmate strictly a silver screen conspiracy and a front those happy suburban couples flaunt at socials? As of the moment I feel like we've all been duped! hoodwinked! bamboozled! into believing such a unicorn-esque thought - but still. Still here I am debating it's existance; in conquest to an "I told you so!" or in hopes for that someday? Who knows. If true and tangible I feel like it's going to be one of those imprinting type sequences (yes, I am an avid twilight fan and thats a whole 'nother blog(s) worth. lol). I don't know perhaps the earth will thunder and hades will hence forth open its chasm and engulf us both in flames and nothing will ever be the same or maybe it will be a subtle north wind. I know, I know. Ruminations! Hamlet would be proud.


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